We are now offering tank grown aquarium plants cultivated here in the stores aquariums. Most aquarium plants for sale in pet shops come from Florida and are grown outside or in greenhouses. They will often melt down and may grow back or die when introduced to your aquarium because of the change in conditions.
Our tank cultivated plants do much better when introduced to your aquarium.
Our tank cultivated plants do much better when introduced to your aquarium.

Just received a large shipment of Cichlid Stones from Underwater Galleries. These are ceramic and can be used in fresh or saltwater. They come in a variety of sizes and are a perfect hideaway for a variety of fish. Make great spawning caves for cichlids and plecoes.
We sell then singly or by the case.
We sell then singly or by the case.
Now again receiving weekly shipments of fish,
Both Fresh and Marine,
Wide selection available.
Call if you are looking for something special.

Beautiful Blue Green Sympodium Polyps
(Alcyonium verseveldti)
Frags now available!
(Alcyonium verseveldti)
Frags now available!

Have some nice Neon Green Star Polyps. Get one before they're gone.

All brands of aquariums available for order at the best prices in town.
Every week I am asked what needs to be done to keep and grow coral. Here is what you will need to keep coral thriving. This test kit from RED SEA PHARM. It tests the three most important parameters to keeping coral heathly- Calcium, Alkalinity and Magnesium. Along with water changes and other proper husbandry techniques maintaining these three parameters at their proper levels will ensure successful coral aquaculture. These test kits are available now for$49.99.